Dr. Song’s BD

On Jan 6th, it was Dr. Song’s birthday. I had to leave early and missed eating the cake. One big candle and one small candle probably indicate she has become 31 yrs old I guess. Congratulations!

Aprajita Birthday

As usual, we had a belated birthday celebration for Aprajita today. She became 29 years old, enjoy the last 20’s! We had a cake together in the office afterward. I’m sorry that she had to spend her BD preparing MS thesis which is coming in a couple of months. Well, that’s a part of life as a graduate student…. Hard work will pay off (someday…)

New Lab

Students desks are now in my office, we are sharing an office and we moved some equipments to the students’ room. Crowded Lab becomes spacy and we can work a little more effectively. The reason for this Lab rearrangement was that the building is slightly tilted and some water runs out of big 4 degree C reagent shelf. The shelf is quite huge and we need to relocate it to stop draining. One thing led to another, we ended up sharing the office together….

If I share my office, it is easier for me to grasp what’s going on in the Lab and students can easily learn bioinformatics from me. I then realized I can have only 3-4 students in the Lab. “소수 정예 “, I will have to be very careful accepting students in the future… Only for those who wants to become a professor in the future, please contact me.

Microbiome User Seminar (Qiagen, 2023.09.14)

Qiagen opened a seminar for those who are interested in using Qiagen products for microbiome research. I was invited to give a 30-40 minutes talk about how I have been using Qiagen products for our microbiome projects. It was not “too academic” and more for “practical application” and those sales persons are really good at catching attentions. They’ve got me thinking about purchasing digital PCR someday…. only if I have enough fund 🙂

Good bye Azka and see you again!

Azka with lab mates on Sep 14th, 2023.

Azka who has been with us for a year decided to take a break for a semester, and she will be flighing back to Pakistan tonight. The last blog I uploaded was her birthday…. kinda made me back to wordpress and post the photo. I am sorry that I was not there on her last day with us (for the record, I had an oral presentation in Seoul).

And I wish I were there and young enough to do the peace thing together 🙂

Azka’s a month belated birthday

Since we were too busy to do anything but setting up the Lab, we had Azka’s BD celebration a month later thant it was supposed to. Dr Song baked a cake for Azka so that it contains non-halal animal-derived substance ^^. I just wish the Lab had more room so that we can sit and eat together. Next time, we should do this in the seminar room.

Spring is here in Cheongju

The Lab moved from Jeju to Cheongju and there are four former members and one new member joined. We came here in the end of February 2023, and now it is almost the end of March. We have been doing lots of cleaning and moving stuff around for a month. It seems we have finally got time to start research!

FYI, the right image shows 미선나무, not cherry blossoms!!

2022년2월 졸업식

2022년 2월 졸업식 전다빈 (석사), 아딜파루크 (박사)

Another Commencement on Feb 18th, 2022. Dabin and Adeel finished their degree and leaving the Lab. It has been a great honor working with you two and we hope a bright future ahead of you.

Dabin, let us know if you can give us some discount for sequencing!!

2021 August Graduation Ceremony

2021년 졸업식

Shahbaz and Vineet have obtained ph.D degree and have become Dr. Raza and Dr. Singh. Yujin also got BS degree and now she starts MS course. Academic contributions made by these two doctors are invaluable and more importantly, we have had a great time being with them. Dr Singh will move to Kyungbuk National University and Dr. Raza will move to HanYang University for their carrier as Post-doc. I am sure they will do well in the new lab, but I hope they don’t forget that they will always count on us whenever they need help from MBL. Hoping a bright future to you two.

Youjin, your journey has just begun. Fighting ^^.

석면공사 및 A/C교체공사

7월 16일 오전 8시 A/C교체시작.

7월16일부터 갑자기 A/C교체 공사 그리고 석면공사(옆건물) 시작하고 한주 동안 (석면공사 소리가 심한경우 3주동안) 연구실 못 쓰게 되서 갑자기 모두에게 질주일 휴가가 생겼다. 나는 행정일이나 회의가 있어서 휴가보다 재택근무처럼 됬지만 실험실에 가지 못 한것이 이렇게 불안한지 몰랐다. 매일 다닌 장소에 못 가게 된것이 신기하게 사람을 불안하게 만들은것 같아.

한주 학교 못 가지만 전공주임교수로 결제 해야한 문서가 교내에서만 접석 가능한 것 때문에 가끔 학교내 wifi 접석하로 학교 땅안에 컴퓨터 가지고 가서 차 안에서 결제하고 집으로 들아가는 예정이다…. 현재 밀린 논문심사는 2편, 이번 기회에 다 끝내고 싶다. 주로 하는 일은 강의준비나 논문작성 및 논문심사라서 사실은 집에서 다 할 수 있지만 집에서는 일을 할 수 있는 환경이 안되있고 유혹이 많고 가족들 다 있어서 집중도 안되고…. 사무실에 중요성을 깨닫다…

코로나로 인해 재택근무 하신분들이 많아졌는데 원래 집에서도 할 수 있는 일들을 직장에서 하고 있는 것을 모두가 알게 되었는것 같다. 그런데 실제로 내가 재택근무 하게되니까 불편하고 불안한 것을 깨닫다. 그런데 재택근무에 익숙해지면 출근하기가 싫어질 것 같아서 참 무섭기도 하고.

비닛과 샤바즈가 학교 못나가니까 카페에서 논문 쓰고 있다고 하고 신기하게도 더 집중이 잘 된다고도 한다. 그래서 연구실에서 집중이 어려운 이유를 생각해봤다. 단순하게 카페에는 물건이 많지 않아 딱 랩탑 하나라서 마로 앞에 있는 일에 집중 할 수 있는거 아닐까? 많은 물건들이 책상 위에 있으니 무의식으로 뇌가 피곤해진 것이 아닐까? 책상위 정리가 잘된 사람들이 일반적으로 일을 잘한다고 들어본 적도 있고. 그리고 카페에서 여기저기 있는 식물들이나 음악. 이런 환경이 집중할 때 도움이 되는가 궁금하다. 혹시 연구실 책상이 책장도 없고 서랍장도 없고 모니터도 없다면 더 집중이 잘되지 않을까? 모두가 그럴것 같은데 학교오면 바로 컴퓨터 키고 (끄지 않고 퇴근하는 사람들도 있고….) 쓰지도 않은데 바로 앞에 켜져 있으니까 더 집중이 안될 수도 있다고 생각한다. 컴퓨터는 필요할 때만 켜져 있어야하고 그외때는 끄고 다른일에 집중 해야하지 않을까? 차라리 모든 컴퓨터를 공동용으로 설치하고 필요할 때만 가서 조사하고.

컴퓨터가 없는 시대에 살았던 사람이라 이거저거 집중이 안된 이유가 컴퓨터 때문에 아닐까란 결론 내보렸지만 뭐가 문제인지 모르겠다….. 스마트폰도 문제이지만 그냥 켜버린 컴퓨터도 문제인것 같은데…..